Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Powershell Script - Bulk import SSRS Reports and update datasources

June 15: New version of this script available ,get it here:

For my first post of 2015 i give you a script that i wrote.
What this script does is it takes all .rdl files in a folder and imports them to your report server and changes the reports datasource to your Configmgr shared datasource.
This is useful if you need to import a lot of reports or if you're not that confident with SSRS.

The plan is to rework some of my old reports ,create some new ones and create a report pack that people easily can plug in to their Configmgr environment.
The report pack version one is going to contain some reports for Client Details  ,OS Deployment ,Application Deployement and Software Update so stay tuned!

To give you a preview to test with I've bundled it with my two of my Client Reports. The Make & Model Report posted here earlier and a Computer Reboot Report that I've revamped for the occasion.

This is a test ,so i would appreciate if you post bellow if you get it to work(or not).  

Download the Zip file and run the Script with the following parameters:
Download: Upload Reports.ps1

The Script takes 3 parameters:

  • webserviceURL: The base URL of your report server. In many cases the site server.(Note! no /report at the end)
  • Sourcefolder: Probably self explanatory ,but anyway... folder where your .rdl files are located
  • Reportfolder:  The folder you want to create in SSRS and/or upload to

& '.\Upload Reports.ps1' -webServiceUrl "http://reportserver" -reportFolder "Larsen Reporting" -SourceDirectory "d:\Demo"

This should give you a folder in SSRS called "Larsen Reporting" with two reports in it. The reports should in theory be ready to run since the script automatically updates the datasource. 

Download: Upload Reports.ps1

    Bulk import SSRS Reports from a folder and update the reports data source.
    This script takes all the RDL files in a folder and imports them into a SSRS and updates the reports data source to the Configmgr shared data source.
    File Name  : Upload Reports.ps1
    Version    : 1.03 ,05.jan-2015
    Author     : Thomas Larsen - thomas.larsen@tromsfylke.no
    Requires   : Version 3

.PARAMETER webServiceUrl
Base URL to the report server ,usualy the Configmgr Site server

.PARAMETER reportFolder
 Report Server folder where the reports are imported to, the script creates the folder if it's not there.
.PARAMETER SourceDirectory
The local folder where the .rdl files are located.

& '.\Upload Reports.ps1' -webServiceUrl "http://Reportserver.domain.local" -reportFolder "Larsen Reports -SourceDirectory "c:\ReportsToUpload"




#$webServiceUrl = "http://reportserver.domain.local"
#$reportFolder = "Larsen Reports"
#$SourceDirectory = "C:\ReportstoUpload"

$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
Write-Host "Thomas Larsen - Januar 2015 - http://larsenconfigmgr.blogspot.com" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "This Script is provided AS-IS, no warrenty is provided" 
Write-host ""

#Connect to SSRS
Write-Host "Reportserver: $webServiceUrl" -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-Host "Creating Proxy, connecting to : $webServiceUrl/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx?WSDL"
Write-Host ""
$ssrsProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $webServiceUrl'/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx?WSDL' -UseDefaultCredential
$reportPath = "/"

#Get Configmgr shared datasource
$Items = $ssrsProxy.listchildren("/", $true) | where {$_.Type -eq "Datasource" }
foreach ($item in $items)
#Check to see if Datasource name patches Guid Pattern
if ($item.name -match '{([a-zA-Z0-9]{8})-([a-zA-Z0-9]{4})-([a-zA-Z0-9]{4})-([a-zA-Z0-9]{4})-([a-zA-Z0-9]{12})}' -and $item.path -like '/ConfigMgr*')
Write-Host "Datasource:" $item.Name -ForegroundColor Magenta  
Write-host "Type:" $item.Type 
Write-Host "Path:" $item.Path

#Save parameters for later use.
$DatasourceName = $item.Name
$DatasourcePath = $item.Path

#Create Folder
        Write-host ""
            $ssrsProxy.CreateFolder($reportFolder, $reportPath, $null)
            Write-Host "Created new folder: $reportFolder"
        catch [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException]
            if ($_.Exception.Detail.InnerText -match "[^rsItemAlreadyExists400]")
                Write-Host "Folder: $reportFolder already exists."
                $msg = "Error creating folder: $reportFolder. Msg: '{0}'" -f $_.Exception.Detail.InnerText
                Write-Error $msg

#For each RDL file in Folder

foreach($rdlfile in Get-ChildItem $SourceDirectory -Filter *.rdl)
Write-host ""

 $reportName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($rdlFile);
 write-host $reportName -ForegroundColor Green 
 #Upload File
        #Get Report content in bytes
        Write-Host "Getting file content of : $rdlFile"
        $byteArray = gc $rdlFile.FullName -encoding byte
        $msg = "Total length: {0}" -f $byteArray.Length
        Write-Host $msg
        $reportFolder = $reportPath + $reportFolder
        Write-Host "Uploading to: $reportFolder"
        #Call Proxy to upload report
        $warnings = $ssrsProxy.CreateReport($reportName,$reportFolder,$force,$byteArray,$null) 
        if($warnings.Length -le 1) { Write-Host "Upload Success." -ForegroundColor Green }
        else { write-host $warnings | % { Write-Warning "Warning: $_" }}
    catch [System.IO.IOException]
        $msg = "Error while reading rdl file : '{0}', Message: '{1}'" -f $rdlFile, $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Error msg
    catch [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException]
            if ($_.Exception.Detail.InnerText -match "[^rsItemAlreadyExists400]")
                Write-Error "Report: $reportName already exists." 
                $msg = "Error uploading report: $reportName. Msg: '{0}'" -f $_.Exception.Detail.InnerText
                Write-Error $msg

##Change Datasource
$rep = $ssrsProxy.GetItemDataSources($reportFolder+"/"+$reportName)
$rep | ForEach-Object {
$proxyNamespace = $_.GetType().Namespace
    $constDatasource = New-Object ("$proxyNamespace.DataSource")
    $constDatasource.Name = $DataSourceName
    $constDatasource.Item = New-Object ("$proxyNamespace.DataSourceReference")
    $constDatasource.Item.Reference = $DataSourcePath

$_.item = $constDatasource.Item
$ssrsProxy.SetItemDataSources($reportFolder+"/"+$reportName, $_)
Write-Host "Changing datasource `"$($_.Name)`" to $($_.Item.Reference)"

#Something in the foreach loop keeps adding forward slashes to the parameter evertime it runs. 
#Strips slashes from the parameter.  
$reportFolder = $reportFolder -replace "/",""

Write-host ""
Write-host "Finished" -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-host ""

Monday, January 26, 2015

Silverlight missing from WSUS

As you might have noticed there's currently no update for Silverlight available for WSUS or Configmgr. Took me a while to figure it out ,so i thought I'd write a short post about it to save others some time.

You might have noticed that your clients is prompting you to update silverlight ,but when you check WSUS or SUP you can't find any silverlight updates.
The reason for this is that in the Desember 2014 updates(KB3011970) there was update containing Silverlight (v5.1.31211.0) ,but this patch got revoked pretty quick because of some Active X issues.
When they released this they expired KB2977218 from July containing Silverlight v5.1.30514 so now there is currently no update for Silverlight available WSUS / Configmg.

So to summerize:
KB2977218  released in July 2014 containing Silverlight 5.1.30514 is now expired.
KB3011970  released in December 2014 containing Silverlight 5.1.31211 was revoked

So if your clients is running an older version of silverlight your users will be prompted to upgrade silverlight when they visit a silverlight page.
5.1.30514 is listed as the latest release on Microsoft ,but the update containing this version is expired so you can't deploy as you normally would ,trough WSUS.

For now you just have to live with the "Silverlight is requesting an Update" messages or  to deploy it manually.